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About Utility Guard Inc.

We are a traffic control company that provides the most cost-effective and reliable traffic control provider in the industry.

We specialize in offering comprehensive traffic control solutions to ensure the safety and efficiency of highway construction projects. Our team is dedicated to delivering top-notch services that meet the unique needs of each project.

Traffic Control 

Our expertise in traffic control extends to highway construction projects. We focus on ensuring smooth traffic flow, implementing safety measures, and providing effective detours to minimize disruptions during construction. Our team is committed to delivering reliable and efficient traffic control services for highway construction projects.

Bird's eye view of a highway
Road Roller

Roadway Development

At Utility Guard Inc., we offer comprehensive roadway safety solutions tailored to residential areas. From traffic signage and barricades to pedestrian safety measures, our team is dedicated to enhancing safety on residential roads. We prioritize the well-being of residents and ensure that our safety solutions adhere to the highest standards.


In addition to our regular services, we specialize in developing emergency response plans for special projects. Our team collaborates with clients to create customized strategies that mitigate risks and ensure the safety of workers and the public. We understand the importance of proactive emergency planning and work diligently to provide effective solutions.

Construction Workers
A close up and rear view of a female road construction worker holding a stop stick wearing

Traffic Management

Effective project site management is essential for seamless operations. At Utility Guard Inc., we offer comprehensive management solutions to oversee and coordinate traffic control activities on construction sites. Our experienced team ensures that traffic control measures are efficiently implemented, contributing to the overall success of construction projects.

Work Zone Safety

Infrastructure construction projects require specialized traffic control measures to maintain safety and efficiency. Our expertise in infrastructure traffic control allows us to address the unique challenges of such projects. We are dedicated to providing reliable traffic control solutions that support the smooth execution of infrastructure construction activities.

Traffic Cone
Road closed sign - new highway exit entrance.jpg

Signage Solutions

Our services extend to providing traffic control support for civil engineering initiatives. We collaborate with engineering teams to develop customized traffic management plans that align with the specific requirements of civil engineering projects. Our goal is to optimize traffic flow and safety in alignment with engineering objectives.

Temporary Traffic

Landscape construction projects benefit from our specialized traffic control services designed to accommodate the unique aspects of such developments. We prioritize the safe and efficient movement of traffic in and around landscape construction sites, contributing to the overall success and safety of these projects.

Road Constuction
Sports Car in Storm


In addition to construction-related services, we offer event traffic coordination to ensure smooth traffic flow during special events. From festivals to community gatherings, our team is equipped to manage traffic and parking arrangements, enhancing the overall experience for event attendees while prioritizing safety and accessibility.

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